Families are often financially devastated when a parent or loved one is restricted from working and earning money as before. It is not easy to manage a halt in the flow of finances when medical bills rise and you’re forced to cope with a temporary or permanent injury.
So, what can you do when injured on the job? After seeking medical attention and possibly legal counsel for workers compensation, it is important you know employee disability rights.
Alaska benefits for work-related disabilities
Your disability from a work related accident will fall into one of three categories. What determines this category is what results from your visit to the hospital and the judgment of a physician. Holding onto medical statements is important as you gather documents to support a worker’s compensation case.
The three categories of disability benefits include:
Temporary total disability (TTD) — 80 percent of regular paid wages are under the amount of “spendable earnings”. A minimum of $110 and a maximum amount of $1,062 is available for weekly payment. Payments received are often until the worker experiences sustained medical recovery to their injuries.
Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) —Compensation allotment is available in a single mass amount unless participating in rehabilitation programs. The amounts are a minimum of $110 a week, but this amount can vary based on evidence of income amounts and other factors.
Permanent Total Disability (PTD) — Spending earnings can vary, but about 80 percent of regular wages typically are paid out. Weekly disability payments range from $110 to $1,062 depending on evidence of wages earned by the worker.
Discuss all information related to the benefits you might be entitled to with a trusted legal professional. The laws governing workers compensation cases are unique to each situation. Compile as much information from an employer and medical professional as possible to support your compensation needs in court. Securing the compensation you deserve helps promote physical and financial healing.